Cyto-Matrix Learning

We created Cyto-Matrix Learning to help you learn more about natural health topics and to empower you to be your best! All our courses are taught by our in-house team of Naturopathic Doctors and health professionals.

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Courses in this Program:

Lessons in Cyto-Matrix Products:

  1. 1 New! AI Balance Matrix

  2. 2 New! TUDCA

  3. 3 New! Heme Iron

  4. 4 New! Cyto-Choline

  5. 5 New! Green Tea Extract

  6. 6 New! Hormone Balance TL

  7. 7 New! Ashwagandha - Herbal Matrix

  8. 8 New! Mag Matrix 4

  9. 9 New! Magnesium Citrate-Malate

  10. 10 New! Magnesium Threonate

  11. 11 Collagen Peptides

  12. 12 Cyto-A

  13. 13 Cyto Fibre

  14. 14 Estro Matrix

  15. 15 GI Soothe

  16. 16 Greens Matrix

  17. 17 IM Matrix

  18. 18 Lipo Matrix

  19. 19 Melo Matrix

  20. 20 Mito Matrix

  21. 21 Omega D3 Liquid Forte

  22. 22 Peak EPA

  23. 23 Progest Matrix

  24. 24 Provitalex

  25. 25 Relax Matrix

  26. 26 Rhodiola Rosea Extract

  27. 27 Saccharo B

  28. 28 Testo Matrix

Lessons in Practice Pearls:

  1. 1 Fertility After 35: Improving Egg Quality

    Objective: What does egg health have to do with a woman's fertility? Everything! Whether a woman is trying to conceive or she is journeying through assisted fertility, egg quality plays a key role in healthy fertility. And as women age, both egg counts and egg quality decline. However, egg quality can be influenced by diet and lifestyle choices. Recent research in the field of preconception nutrition shows that you can improve the quality of the eggs through nutrition. In this lecture, Dr. Cecilia Ho, ND will look at some of the common factors that affect egg health and natural ways to support it.

Lessons in Immune System:

  1. 1 Introduction to the Immune System

    Objective: Join Dr Frank Silva, ND for a non-intimidating look at the immune system. In this section we will go over the basics of your immune system with simple analogies to help you get started. These concepts will be elaborated on later during the course.

  2. 2 Organs and Cells of the Immune System

    Objective: The immune system is a vast network of organs, tissues, and cells, all working in synchronicity to provide a healthy immune response. Dr Frank Silva, ND shares a deeper look at the different organs and cells of the immune system and their functions.

  3. 3 Immune System Fundamentals

    Objective: How does your immune system work and how can it tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys? In this chapter, Dr Frank Silva, ND discusses immune concepts such self vs non-self and the role of antigens, as well as the respective roles of the innate and acquired immune system.

  4. 4 What happens when an infection strikes

    Objective: In this seminar Dr Frank silva, ND wraps it all ups and takes you through a sample scenario of what happens when an infection strikes.

  5. 5 Immune System and Stress

    Objective: In this lecture, Dr. Colin O’Brien ND discusses the integral role that stress plays on the function of the immune system. Discover a better understanding of how the immune system adapts to various stressors and which chemical and hormone signals are used to communicate between the immune system and the nervous system. Herbal extracts and lifestyle changes that can positively alter the body’s stress response and immune response will also be addressed.

  6. 6 Immune System and Gut Health

    Objective: The digestive tract contains 70-80% of the body’s immune cells. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that a healthy gut is essential to a healthy immune system. In this lecture, Dr. Colin O’Brien ND explores the complex relationships between the gut barrier, the microbiome, probiotics and the immune system.

  7. 7 Immune System and Nutrition

    Objective: Certain nutrients have been demonstrated to be vital for optimal immune function . In this lecture, Dr. Cecilia Ho, ND will review the fundamental nutrients that are needed to maintain our immune system. The roles of protein, good fats to vitamins and antioxidants will be explored.

  8. 8 Building Immune Resilience - Immune Diet

    Objective: A healthy diet provides essential nutrients to help strengthen a person's immune response to fight off pathogens. In this segment, Dr. Cecilia Ho, ND will discuss how to eat right to feed the immune system and also look at how to identify certain nutritional deficiencies that can impact our immune system and explore the role of nutritional supplementation in maintaining and bolstering our immunity.

  9. 9 Immune System and Lifestyle Modifications

    Objective: In this lecture we explore the impact of lifestyle on the immune system. From sleep, stress, exercise, hydration and hygiene, we'll discuss how our everyday behaviour can impact our immune cells and how to create positive changes. Dr. Adriana Restagno ND also explores common myths surrounding the immune system.

  10. 10 Immune System and Laboratory Testing

    Objective: Join Dr. Adriana Restagno ND as she discusses some common laboratory testing that can help us keep an eye on our immune system. We'll explore how to interpret testing, what 'out-of-range' levels may indicate and follow-up testing that can give us additional insight when it comes to your body's immune system and nutritional resources.

  11. 11 Learn and Earn Quiz

Lessons in Stress and the Adrenal Glands:

  1. 1 Lecture 1: Intro to the HPA- Axis

    Objective: According to a study by the Canadian Mental Health Association, 25% of Canadians feel extreme stress most days.The stress response is a synergistic interplay between the HPA axis and the sympathetic nervous system resulting in the release of both adrenaline and cortisol that results in changes across your body that prime it for survival. Join Dr. Adriana Restagno ND as we cover the physiology behind these systems and what unfolds in the body when it encounters stress.

  2. 2 Lecture 2: Adrenal Dysfunction

    Objective: As a follow-up to Lecture 1 where we discussed the normal physiological functions of the adrenal glands, here Dr. Colin O’Brien ND explains how the adrenals react to stress. The General Adaptation Syndrome, introduced in 1946 by Dr. Hans Selye, will be outlined and explored in detail.

  3. 3 Lecture 3: Assessing the Adrenals

    Objective: In this lecture Dr. Cecilia Ho will review the different ways to assess adrenal glands. Different methods of laboratory testing: serum vs urine vs saliva will be compared and the pros and cons of each will be discussed.

  4. 4 Lecture 4: Adaptogens and Adrenal Function

    Objective: Dr. Frank Silva will explore the the role of adaptogens and nutrition on adrenal function. A review of current literature will be also reviewed.

  5. 5 Lecture 5: Diet and Lifestyle and Adrenals

    Objective: In this follow up lecture Dr. Frank Silva ND will look at diet and lifestyle tips on rebalancing the adrenal glands.

  6. 6 Lecture 6: The Impact of Poor Adrenal Health on Other Organs

    Objective: To wrap up the Adrenal Health series, Dr. Colin O’Brien ND gives us some quick insight on just how connected the adrenals are to every other organ system in the body. Learn how adrenal dysfunction can impact your nervous system, immune system, metabolic processes and sex hormones.

  7. 7 Learn and Earn CE Credits

Lessons in Hypothyroidism: Why It Is So Commonly Misdiagnosed:

  1. 1 Lecture 1: Thyroid, The Tiny But Mighty Gland

    Objective: In this first lecture, Dr. Cecilia Ho, ND will take us through a review of basic thyroid physiology and thyroid hormone metabolism. The underlying causes of thyroid dysfunction will be reviewed, with a focus on the impact of nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins, gut health, stress and chronic inflammation.

  2. 2 Lecture 2: Assessing Thyroid Function: Clinical Presentation and Laboratory Assessment

    Objective: In this webinar, Dr. Frank Silva, ND will review clinical presentation of hypothyroidism and how to assess and properly interpret test results.

  3. 3 Lecture 3 (Part 1): Supporting The Thyroid With Naturopathic Medicine

    Objective: Join Dr. Adriana Restagno ND as we review naturopathic strategies for supporting optimal thyroid health and recovery. From addressing nutritional deficiencies, reducing inflammation and malabsorption, we'll review supplementation via key minerals, vitamins and healing botanicals, to implementing lifestyle considerations and modifying environmental factors that may be impacting our thyroid health. Every patient will have unique needs that can be supported with an individualized and tailored naturopathic plan.

  4. 4 Lecture 3 (Part 2) : Supporting The Thyroid With Naturopathic Medicine

    Objective: Join Dr. Adriana Restagno ND as we review naturopathic strategies for supporting optimal thyroid health and recovery. From addressing nutritional deficiencies, reducing inflammation and malabsorption, we'll review supplementation via key minerals, vitamins and healing botanicals, to implementing lifestyle considerations and modifying environmental factors that may be impacting our thyroid health. Every patient will have unique needs that can be supported with an individualized and tailored naturopathic plan.

  5. 5 Lecture 4: How Does a Thyroid Imbalance Affect Other Hormones and Body Systems?

    Objective: Thyroid hormone affects nearly every organ system and tissue in the body. Join Dr Colin O’Brien ND for a short discussion about the impact of thyroid health on sex hormones and fertility, the nervous system and mood, and the adrenal glands and cortisol.

  6. 6 Learn and Earn CE Credits

Lessons in Good to the Bone:

  1. 1 Bone Health

Lessons in Pivot Your Practice:

  1. 1 5 Strategies to Successfully Pivot your Practice

Lessons in Back To Practice:

  1. 1 Steps to Prepare your Clinic for Reopening

Lessons in Clinical Lab Interpretation:

  1. 1 Why are Labs Important?

Lessons in A Clinician's Guide to Starting and Maintaining HRT in Aging Patients:

  1. 1 A Clinician's Guide

Lessons in A Balanced Mood is Not Just Balanced Neurotransmitters:

  1. 1 The Gut-Brain Connection

Lessons in A to Zzzz to Better Sleep:

  1. 1 Lecture 1: The Science of Sleep

    Objective: Did you know we spend approximately 33% of our lives sleeping? And while this seemingly simple process occurs daily without much thought, there is an intricate interplay of homeostasis, circadian influences and hormonal factors that come together to orchestrate this amazing regenerative process on a daily basis. Join Dr. Adriana Restagno ND as we look at the anatomy and physiology of sleep, sleep stages and factors that influence sleep in this lecture.

  2. 2 Lecture 2: What Can Impact Your Sleep

    Objective: Tossing and turning at night? Trying to fall asleep can be a real struggle for some people. For some it might be an occasional issue for others it’s a chronic problem. Tune in with Dr. Cecilia Ho, ND in this segment to learn what can impact our sleep. From common medications to nutritional deficiencies, get the root of sleep issues.

  3. 3 Lecture 3: Cost of Sleep Deprivation

    Objective: Getting a good night’s sleep is not just about feeling refreshed the next day. Did you know that poor sleep can increase your risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression and osteoporosis? In this lecture, Dr. Colin O’Brien ND explores the far-reaching effects of sleep on the rest of the human body, and helps to explain the mechanisms of action between these connections.

  4. 4 Lecture 4: How to Sleep Better

    Objective: Join Naturopathic Doctor, Frank Silva for a discussion on achieving better sleep. In this chapter we will cover daily habits and tips to prevent sleep sabotage and promote rest. In the second half, we will review popular natural sleep aids and discuss their mechanism of action and how to choose the right remedy. And as a bonus, learn how to use meditation for total body relaxation.

  5. 5 Learn and Earn

    Objective: Learn and Earn

Lessons in All About Liposomal:

  1. 1 All About Liposomal

Lessons in Vitamin C: Brief History and Overview:

  1. 1 Brief History and Overview

Lessons in Zinc About It!:

  1. 1 Zinc About It!

Lessons in Post-viral Recovery:

  1. 1 Post-Viral Recovery

    Objective: In this lecture Dr. Cecilia Ho, ND explores the use of natural therapeutic agents that can help modulate the immune cellular defense and repair mechanisms for a speedy recovery.

Lessons in Digestive Health Series :

  1. 1 Digestion 101

    Objective: Digestion is a complex process whereby your body takes the food you ingest and extracts the nutrients to nurture your body. In this lecture get an overview of digestive organs and function (Upper and Lower digestive tract) with Dr. Frank Silva, ND.  Dr. Silva will discus how proper function should occur and also discuss the typical dysfunctions that can derail this process along the pathway.

  2. 2 The Intestinal Epithelial Barrier in Health and Disease

    Objective: When it comes to gut health, the intestinal barrier is of vital importance. Chronic inflammatory diseases have root causes that may include intestinal permeability aka “leaky gut syndrome”. Join Dr. Cecilia Ho, ND as she reviews the scientific literature describing the connection between the a leak gut and the inflammatory-immune response leading to chronic disease.

  3. 3 The Gut Microbiota (Part 1)

    Objective: In this segment, we will explore the fundamentals of the gut microbiota and human microbiome and the relationship and research linking the microbiome, immune, cognitive, hormone and heart health. Eubiosis and dysbiosis will be discussed, along with a general introduction on the role probiotics play on the microbiome in restoring microbial balance and the benefits and implications on the above health systems.

  4. 4 The Gut Microbiota (Part 2)

    Objective: In this segment, we will explore the fundamentals of the gut microbiota and human microbiome and the relationship and research linking the microbiome, immune, cognitive, hormone and heart health. Eubiosis and dysbiosis will be discussed, along with a general introduction on the role probiotics play on the microbiome in restoring microbial balance and the benefits and implications on the above health systems.

  5. 5 The Gut Microbiota (Part 3)

    Objective: In this segment, we will explore the fundamentals of the gut microbiota and human microbiome and the relationship and research linking the microbiome, immune, cognitive, hormone and heart health. Eubiosis and dysbiosis will be discussed, along with a general introduction on the role probiotics play on the microbiome in restoring microbial balance and the benefits and implications on the above health systems.

  6. 6 Gastrointestinal Testing

    Objective: In this lecture, some of the most common functional medicine tests for optimizing the health of the gastrointestinal tract are explored. An overview of the test itself, sample reports, potential benefits and noteworthy shortcomings are all discussed for each individual test in this presentation. Tests covered include: Food sensitivity testing (IgG, IgE and IgA), organic acid testing, GI 360 / GI MAP, Lactulose/Mannose testing, Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) and Small Intestinal Bacterial

  7. 7 Learn and Earn

    Objective: Learn and Earn

Lessons in Common Upper Digestive Health Disorders and Naturopathic Approaches:

  1. 1 Common Upper Digestive Health Disorders and Naturopathic Approaches

    Objective: Our digestive system is one very long tube, running more than 30ft in adults and is divided into upper and lower digestive tract. When it comes to upper digestive health issues, common diagnoses range from indigestion to Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastritis, and ulcers, and its estimated upper GI issue affect one-third of the world's population. In this course, Dr. Cecilia Ho ND explores some of the common upper digestive problems that can plague us, and reviews naturopathic approaches to support digestive health including nutrition tips, lifestyle modifications, and natural remedies.

Lessons in SIBO vs IBS:

  1. 1 SIBO vs IBS

    Objective: In this lecture, Dr Colin O’Brien ND differentiates irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bowel overgrowth (SIBO), while acknowledging their often overlapping presentations. Risk factors, testing options and diagnoses of each condition is discussed, in addition to difficulties in properly identifying and managing each condition. This lecture is designed to be a basic overview of each digestive concern and not an in-depth analysis.

  2. 2 Learn and Earn

Lessons in Fertility Health Series :

  1. 1 Preconception Care

  2. 2 Learn and Earn Quiz

  3. 3 Female Fertility Overview

  4. 4 Learn and Earn Quiz (Female Fertility Overview)

  5. 5 Female Factor Infertility and Naturopathic Treatments:

  6. 6 Learn and Earn Quiz (Female Factor Infertility and Naturopathic Treatments

Lessons in Andropause:

  1. 1 Andropause

  2. 2 Learn and Earn Quiz

Lessons in Mastering PMS and PMDD Naturally:

  1. 1 Manstering PMS and PMDD Naturally

  2. 2 Learn and Earn Quiz (CE credits)

Lessons in Autoimmunity: When The Body Attacks Itself:

  1. 1 Autoimmunity: When The Body Attacks Itself

  2. 2 Learn and Earn Quiz

Lessons in Harmonizing Hormones & Mastering Menopause:

  1. 1 Harmonizing Hormones & Mastering Menopause

  2. 2 Learn and Earn Quiz (Menopause)

Lessons in Male Factor Infertility: Sperm Count On The Decline?:

  1. 1 Male Factor Infertility: Sperm Count On The Decline?

  2. 2 Learn and Earn Quiz (Male Fertility Health)

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